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Awesome Gang Interview
With Author Naomi Shibles

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Counterblow Clemency was inspired by a dream I had in which the freeway was covered in huge, bright, electric advertisements. That’s how I thought of the problem of advertising pollution…​


CraveBooks Interview With Naomi Shibles

Which one of your books was the hardest to write and stretched you the most as a writer?


My first book had a steep learning curve. I didn’t outline it, and probably ended up completely rewriting it five or six times. These days, I do everything I can to be efficient because…

Emwigsters Bookshelf
Author Spotlight:
Interview With Naomi Shibles

How did you choose which character to centre the story around? 


An element of Counterblow Clemency is belonging, or not feeling like you 100% belong anywhere…

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